image-ecommerce-2013                                        Ecommerce

Developing an ecommerce website for your business is investing in the future, and securing a place for your business, at the economic table in America and the world.

India for example, which is the largest democracy in the world, is a great example of the shift in commerce and an example of a society embracing developing technologies. India saw in 2014, an increase of over 30% in personal internet use or over 302 million people surfing the web. India is a an incredible indication of where these technologies are leading modern societies, and can be looked at, as a sort of testing ground for how companies can market and sell products and services via the web. These exciting times have created an incredible ecommerce atmosphere, and what is being called an “APP” economy world wide.

What Magic Web Gravy will do for your business is….

Create a shop page on your site –  A shop page will give your customers a place to browse your companies products, and a place to view your companies prices and shipping costs. We combined solid images and text to create interest in the products, making your businesses shop page into an exciting cyber store. Magic Web Gravy also will create calls to action throughout your website directing you customers back to the shop page as often as possible. Shop Magic Web Gravy.

Create a shopping cart on your site –  Putting a shopping cart on your website will allow your customers to purchase multiple products from your business, by allowing them to select a product, and continue to shop for more products, while keeping selected products organized.

Create a checkout for your website –  From the shopping cart your customers will be able to view any shipping costs, and purchase any or all of the products they have selected. There is an incredible amount of flexibility in the programs that Magic Web Gravy uses when building an ecommerce website, which will allow your business to accept payments from Paypal, credit cards, or which ever method your business chooses.

There are an incredible amount of features that come with ecommerce web build. Some of these features will allow you to track and update inventory, adjust shipping costs, utilize SKU numbers, and even run coupon promotions.

Magic Web Gravy is excited to get started on growing your business on the internet, and take personal pride in helping your business, sell, sell, sell.



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