Let’s Grow Together Gresham

 a platform for businesses leaders in Gresham to interact with one another, and with the people in our community simultaneously. This is the “feature” page for the ‘Lets Grow Together Gresham’ project. This is where we assemble stories about local businesses and current events from the city of Gresham. Please join ‘Lets Grow Together Gresham’ on Facebook. Please Contact Magic Web Gravy at (971)303-5205 if you would like to be a part of ‘Lets Grow Together Gresham,’ or email letsgrowtogethergresham@gmail.com. Because ‘Let’s Grow Together Gresham’ Belongs to you!

                                                                                                       The Road So Far….

March is here, and Spring has sprung! We are not sure if it is because of the amazing weather or the suddenly growing economy, but Gresham has been bustling with activity and growth. Everywhere we go the stores and restaurants are packed with smiling, happy people and the parks are alive with kids and their parents playing. Without this sounding like a North Korean propaganda piece, things seem pretty good.

So far this month we have had the State of Gresham speech Mayor Shane Bemis. In this speech the mayor addressed many of our issues with a sense of optimism, with a quote from the mayor getting some circulation “We must believe in better.” The mayor also unveiled a cool new service called My Gresham that allows Greshamites to utilize non-emergency services through the city via the internet, and even provides a free mobile app.

Ahead of us this month is the Gresham Green and Clean event (Let’s Grow Together Gresham will be attending). This is a chance to volunteer and give back to the great City of Gresham. This is to be a cleanup and restoration project at a series of locations throughout Gresham. Come out and lend a hand a free pizza party and celebration will follow at Wall Street Pizza from noon to 2 p.m.

Another big event taking place in Gresham this month is the emergence of two new restaurants, “BlueBird Dining Hall” and “A Cajun Life,” both opening on Gresham Main Street and creating some good buzz. In fact BlueBird Dining Hall is holding an open house tomorrow, March 6, and judging by the reaction on social media this looks to be a big event.

As always we will be updating “The Road So Far” throughout the month. If you or your business would like to post anything to this page please Contact Us!




BlueBird Dining Hall Opening!!!

Please join us as we open our doors for an open house this Friday night. Although we will not be open for business, you can still check out the newly remodeled building we are so proud of, and Chef Molly will be preparing some menu samplers!

We will also begin taking reservations for our first week of business. Opening night is March 11th. 344 N Main Ave, Gresham, Oregon 97030

BlueBird Dining Hall Facebook

Hope to see you there!  -Dylan T. Hutter and Lena Franco





                                                  Gresham Green and Clean   

The City is sponsoring a large cleanup and restoration effort in the Grant Butte Wetlands area along the Gresham Fairview Trail. In addition, the City is partnering with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council on projects in Chastain Creek, Butler Creek, and Springwater Woods as part of their annual Watershed Wide event. A free pizza party and celebration will follow at Wall Street Pizza from noon to 2 p.m. Click Here for more info!







                                                  Gifts From The Universe

To see all of the canvases released in Gresham by Christina Gaines, and to read the local artists descriptions of her work Click Here Gifts From The Universe. Christina Gaines has donated a whole series of her work to help raise awareness for ‘Let’s Grow Together Gresham.’ These paintings are just the first of thirty that will be placed all over Gresham, to be found by whoever was meant to find them. Please visit ‘Let’s Grow Together Gresham’ on Facebook and post a comment or a photo or both, describing finding the art, or just your thoughts on the project. If you “like” and “post” on the ‘Let’s Grow Together Gresham’ Facebook page timeline, you will be entered to win a $25 gift card at the end of this month and the next.





A month and a half ago the Gresham Historical Society closed it’s doors so that it could add some new exhibits to the museum. Yesterday the museum opened back up on a beautiful sunny afternoon, and our family couldn’t resist stopping by to check it out.

We had timed our trip to be an hour until the museum was to close, and it was sunny and warm as the downtown area began to come alive. You could tell that it had been a busy afternoon for the staff at the Historical Society, as we where immediately greeted by a volunteer at the museum. Our group was guided around and shown some of the feature exhibits, with a very engaging and interesting tour, that left us feeling as if we had been invited into a friends home. Click Here to read full review Historical Society Review




                                                             A Night Out @

It is a rare occasion for a busy married couple with kids to get away for an evening alone, So when the opportunity presents itself you must take advantage. The City of Gresham has many fun date night dinner and event combos, but dinner at Geno’s and a flick is at the top of the list.

This time of year my wife and I tend to see a lot of movies in the lead up to the Oscars. There are several cool theatres that get the job done, but oddly enough Regal Cinemas works fine, when you can catch the Blazer game, have a few, and eat some good food before the movie.

To read full review click Here http://www.magicwebgravy.com/2015/02/05/night/







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